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小型变频空气压缩机的7大优势 | 阿特拉斯·科普柯中国

G 2-7 VSD advertisement and cover images
The owners of workshops or similar small operations have always had just one compressor option: a fixed-speed model. Now, however, Atlas Copco is offering a new and better choice: the small variable speed compressor.

We recently introduced the G 2-7 VSD, bringing variable speed drives (VSD) to the smallest screw compressor segment.

Until now, only larger industrial compressors came with variable speed drives (VSD), which adjust their motor speed to the compressed air demand. Their outstanding efficiency can lead to a much lower energy consumption.

That is also the case for the larger models of the new G 2-7 VSD series from Atlas Copco. Here, these drives can offer energy savings of more than 20%. 

But choosing a small VSD compressor over a fixed-speed unit has many other benefits that go beyond efficiency. Here are seven of them. 

1. Premium small variable speed compressor performance

Simply put, VSD compressors are just better. They offer you a greater output and a more stable pressure than fixed-speed compressors. In addition, Atlas Copco’s patented screw element permits a 100% duty cycle. This means that, as opposed to the piston compressors often used in workshops, a small variable speed screw compressor does not require cool-down periods. In other words, it can just keep going. That’s a major benefit for you. The compressors of the G 2-7 VSD series eliminate work interruptions. They allow you to continue working when a traditional piston would need a break. 

2. High efficiency

As noted above, the larger models of the range can take full advantage of the VSD technology. They allow you to achieve energy savings of more than 20%. However, thanks to innovative components, the smaller units are also more efficient than many fixed-speed (piston) models. For example, the patented screw element and the high-efficiency IE3 motor of the G 2-7 VSD minimize your energy use and operating costs. 

3. Less maintenance…

But their efficiency is not the only way in which the compressors of the G 2-7 VSD range save you money. There is a misperception that, because they involve sophisticated technology, these compressors are less durable. But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the VSD technology is less taxing on important components like bearings and belts. That means they typically last longer and require less maintenance. 

… and easy service

And when you do have to service them, you can get the job done quickly. All G 2-7 VSD compressors come with panels that make the main components easily accessible. That allows you to get back to work quickly. 

4. Quiet operation

Thanks to the lower speeds of their element and motor-mounted fans, G 2-7 VSD compressors are remarkably quiet. In fact, they are as quiet as a household appliance. As a result, they can meet stringent noise emission regulations and don’t pose a risk to your workers. And, coupled with their compact size, this means you can install them near the point of use. That is extremely beneficial for smaller operations, such as workshops, that have limited space available. 

5. Ease of use

All G 2-7 VSD compressors come with a state-of-the-art Nano controller. These are true marvels of technology that make the operation of the compressor easier while also optimizing their efficiency and reliability. For example, using a smartphone or a tablet, you can start and stop your compressor. You can receive notification and alerts and ensure that you have all necessary information concerning your G at your fingertips. Nano controllers also come with advanced control algorithms and a leakage protection program. 

6. Flexibility

Because you can tailor the G 2-7 VSD to your needs, it offers the right compressed air solution for your operation. For example, if you need very clean air, it can come with an integrated dryer and filter. Or, if you need air storage, just choose the tank-mounted version. Different vessel sizes are available to meet your compressed air specifications.

7. A compressor that can grow with you

Expansion is a goal for many small operations, and the compressors of the G 2-7 VSD range can grow with your business. Getting a larger fixed-speed compressor in anticipation of such an expansion means that you will waste a lot of energy in the meantime. But that’s not the case with a small variable speed compressor. And, because the Nano controller can securely receive over-the-air updates, you never miss out on the latest algorithms and other advancements. 

An easy decision

For all of these reasons, the small variable speed compressor from Atlas Copco is a true game changer. Best of all, it makes the decision which starter compressor is best for you very easy. The compressors of the new G 2-7 VSD range from Atlas Copco simply are that much better. Whether it comes to efficiency, reliability, quiet operation or ease of use, the G 2-7 VSD is the future-proof choice. 

Meet the G 2-7 VSD
Atlas Copco GA FLX dual speed compressor
Meet the G 2-7 VSD
Find out all about the all-new G 2-7 VSD on the product page.
Find out all about the all-new G 2-7 VSD on the product page.
Find out all about the all-new G 2-7 VSD on the product page.
VSD benefits
VSD benefits
How does the VSD meet the needs of your workshop?
How does the VSD meet the needs of your workshop?
Check out the new small vsd compressor.
G 2-7 VSD advertisement and cover images
Check out the new small vsd compressor.